Food here is so irresistibly yummy. And accessable. Craving a pear? Some grapes? A baguette? Stop three feet away at one of the many corner grocers, and grab a croissont for 30p (60 cents). We've tried unsuccessfully to eat at an Indian restaurant two days in a row. Its the same place we ate at for Mimi's birthday last time I was here. Everytime we show up its during the slow hours between lunch and dinner and its closed. Today will be the third and last time we try, I hope it works!
Well London has got me wrapped around its finger, and so do Rochelle and Hayley.
Posing on the Embankment bridge:

Hayley's glamour shot:

Me and Rochelle trying to pretend we don't know Hayley:

Doing the mom face:

Since I last blogged, we've seen Wicked (yes Chris, we did the touristy stuff too), went to the London marathon (where Rochelle ran it in 3:57, smashing her goal of 4:40), saw a lovely piano concert at St. James Church by a 22 year old Serbian girl (pieces from Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Rachmoninov), saw this delightful British film (with just about the cutest little british boy ever):

And yesterday me and Rochelle roamed through Kew Gardens. Its a huge park in south london with tropical plants and lakes and bamboo gardens and all kinds of cool stuff. Then we met Hayley at the British Film Institute, or formerly called the National Film Theatre. We saw "nargess" a fabulous Iranian film, and my love for Iranian film was rekindled. Then we were going to head home but because it was half off night, and because heck we're in London, we saw an old old Hitchcock movie that he made in Britain (before his US films) called "39 steps". I wish dad could have been there, because I think he really would have liked it.
Today is our last full day in London. We'll probably do the war musuems and then Rochelle and I want to see a ballet. Tomorrow is Latvia! I miss you and love you all.
I'm still shell shocked that its not called the NFT anymore... still trying to come back from that.
wow, bear. I am so jelous. I can remember being there so vividly. I wish I would have seen Wicked. It is the musical I want to see as soon as it cocmes nearby. How was it? was is worth 50 pounds?
wow, bear. I am so jelous. I can remember being there so vividly. I wish I would have seen Wicked. It is the musical I want to see as soon as it cocmes nearby. How was it? was is worth 50 pounds?
Your looking so good Carrie! Aww to be single and traipsing around Europe :)
Sounds like you had a fun time care bear. when are you going to come back to utah??
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