Monday, March 31, 2008

The Gilas

About a month ago I had a crazy idea that I would like to spend spring break on some sort of out doorsy adventure. The last time I had been camping was with Tash, Leland, Katelyn, Cassi, Hayley, my friend Rose and Raymon (I can't remember if Rochelle and Mimi were there I always get this trip and bryce canyon mixed up). The funny thing was after we'd set up camp, a guy pulled up in his suburban and asked us what we were doing on his private property. He was cool and let us stay for that night. So I hadn't really had a real camping expereince for a while. I approached my friend Mark in the ward who is something of an outdoors guy and quite knowledgeable in New Mexico terrain. He was all for the idea and picked a place that is about an hour north of Silver City. For the non-New Mexicoites Silver City is the destination of the various groups in the movie "Rat Race."
We winded our way up into the pines and ended up leaving my car once we hit the mountain road, or I should say trail because it was hardly a road. It took us about an hour to offroad our way up the ten miles to the summit. From there we were on foot, and hiked into the canyon with full packs for about two miles. Our campsite was at the confluance of the Gila River and the Sapilla creek.
With tents pitched and all, we felt adventurous and decided to hike up the river and check things out. The water was freezing! Picture the pacific ocean but ten degrees colder. We did some "cliff" jumping although it was more like "boulder" jumping because the cliffs weren't very high. The time passed quickly and we barely noticed the sun had disappeared behind the canyon walls. We hurried home, knowing that with the sun was going what little warmth we had. We spent the rest of the evening warming our numb bodies in front of the fire and eating tin foil dinners.
At about ten or eleven Candice and I crawled into our little two man pup tent and got in our sleeping bags. An hour later, this :
me: "Candice? Are you awake?"
Candice: "Yes."
Me: "Can you sleep?"
Candice: "No, I'm freezing my butt off."
We move closer to preserve body heat. An hour or two goes by. then:
Me: "I'm so cold I think I'm going to die."
Candice: "I don't want to die!"
Me: "Don't let go! I'll never let go!"
Candice:"Don't you go saying your goodbyes!"
Another couple hours go by. I wake up and see something in the cracks of our tent.
Me: "Candice I think its light outside!"
Candice: "Thank goodness! I've had to pee for three hours."
So we got up and Jared stoked the fire, and we warmed ourselves. Our spirits were still pretty high despite the lack of sleep. It turns out Jaime and Mark in their little tent had froze the whole night too. That day we hiked up the creek to a place that reminded me alot of those small canyons and caves we explored on our Lake Powell trip with the Mccuistions and the Phillips many years ago. We did some more swimming, but the fear of going to sleep that night didn't leave me and candice. When we got back to camp that night, all five of us played slapjack and poker in mark's tent. We decided to save ourselves from another night of hypothermia and the four of us smushed into Mark's little two man tent. We were crowded and had take turns sleeping on our sides but we were warm. My legs unfroze for the first time since we had made camp.
The next day we hiked out and headed home. It was a pretty awesome trip, hypothermia and all. It felt really good to accomplish something. And I'm glad I got to know some people in the ward better.


Kelly said...

I'm soooo glad you have a blog! We reanny need to keep in touch better. I always have those miserable nights camping - it's so overrated! Why don't we take sleeping pills!

Cassi Wood said...

I thought that was my husband kelly that commented...
Wow bear, that kind of reminds me of the night we camped out in heber. Katelyn and I were the only ones in the tent and we were freezing all night. Who from the ward was there? Thats cool you initiated the whole thing.

Haught Fudge said...

I looked at the pictures first and tried to figure out who was who, thinking it was your family. Your friends look somewhat like your siblings. In that picture of all of you I thought it was Joe, Chris, you, Cassi and your dad. But I was wrong... and very confused. I'm so glad you are on here!

Remember that camping trip and how easy it was to scare Katelyn about there being bears? And Hayley with the axe? And skits of Jurassic Park and breakfast at the Burton's the next morning and that night we watched River Wild at the McCuistions and then Leland and I got back together. I don't know how I remember all that.

Cassi Wood said...

thats amazing tash. Now that you mention it, I do remember that. YOu remember because it has to do with leland. I remember everythin kelly says and he doesn't always remember saying. I would have to say it is our gender.

Carrie said...

Those guys totally remind me of Chris and Joe, that's funny that you say that.

Hayley said...

I remember you sat in a seat that broke from under you. And Tash worshiped Hanash, the god of fire

Kelly said...

Hey Carrie, Cathy told me today that you used to be called Puddles because you spilled stuff around you all the time. I was so happy that my little Amie is like her Aunt. Or whatever you are to her!

Carrie said...

Really? I'm so proud! I think the term is second cousin once removed or something.

Taylor and Stephanie Haught said...

I loved reading about your outdoorsy adventure!! Camping in NM in guys are CRAZY!!

Francisca and Chris said...

Looks like it was a ton of fun :)

Parker said...

cool story, hansel...

(look at me! Stalking your family's blog...)

Hayley said...

Jacob, Please always stalk our blog.

lol,this is carrie btw, stalking under hayleys name.